The Campaign for Historic Trades works to ensure education and apprenticeship opportunities are widely available to diverse audiences. With fewer roadblocks to enter the historic trades field, perhaps more young adults, particularly those presently underrepresented in the industry, would consider a career in historic trades. As such, we have compiled a list of events and organizations that help amplify opportunities for – and the work being done by – Black tradespeople.
This blog will be updated throughout the month of February.
- In the Making: Robell Awake and Dr. Tiffany Momon
North Bennet St. School
Thursday, Feb 9, 7-9 pm EST
- Bray School Preservation Launch
Colonial Williamsburg
Friday, Feb 10, 2-2:30 pm EST
The Williamsburg Bray School was an 18th-century institution dedicated to the education of enslaved and free Black children. Discovered by Colonial Williamsburg and William & Mary researchers inside a university building in 2020, this unique structure is likely the oldest extant schoolhouse for Black children in North America.
- Historically Black Colleges and Universities Internship Program
Application deadline: Feb 28, 2023
The Historically Black Colleges and Universities Internship Program (HBCUI) is designed to motivate program participants to get involved in protecting the natural and cultural resources in their communities and beyond. The program also enhances program participants’ understanding and appreciation of African-Americans’ important contributions to the United States’ development and progress while gaining exposure to the gamut of career opportunities in the National Park Service related to public land management.
- “I made this”: Black Artists & Artisans Conference & Feb & March Museum Tours
Colonial Williamsburg , Nov 10-11, 2023

- Special Screening of Becoming Frederick Douglass with Maryland Public Television and the Maryland Women’s Heritage Center with moderated discussion.
Thursday, Feb 23, 7 pm EST
Becoming Frederick Douglass is the inspiring story of how a man born into slavery became one of the most prominent statesmen and influential voices for democracy in American history. Born in 1818 in Maryland, he escaped from slavery in 1838 and went on to become the most well-known leader of the abolitionist movement. A gifted writer and powerful, charismatic orator, it is estimated that more Americans heard Douglass speak than any other 19th-century figure — Black or white. The documentary explores how Douglass controlled his own image and narrative, embracing photography as a tool for social justice, and the role he played in securing the right to freedom and complete equality for African Americans. Executive produced by Academy Award-nominated Stanley Nelson and Lynne Robinson, the film is produced and directed by Nelson and Nicole London. The film features the voice of acclaimed actor Wendell Pierce as Douglass.
- BlackLAN Black History Month Symposium: Race, Landscape, and Media
Thursday, Feb 28 6 pm EST
A virtual, interactive symposium in honor of Black History Month featuring keynote speakers Divine Ndemeye and Maci Nelson who will share their knowledge, experiences, and perspectives on Race, Landscape, and Media.
- 28 Days of Black History from the National Park Service
In celebration of Black History Month, explore people, places, and stories from more than 400 national parks and communities across the country through National Park Service programs and partners and keep exploring African American heritage throughout the year.
- Association for the Study of African American Life and History – Black History Month Virtual Festival
Virtual daily events: https://asalh.org/festival/schedule-of-events/
- African American Heritage Preservation Foundation
The African American Heritage Preservation Foundation has been engaged in activities that include the preservation, maintenance, and awareness of endangered or little-known African American historical sites primarily in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast Regions.
The African American Heritage Preservation Foundation has created a free mobile app “African American Sites,” that is available through The App Store and Google Play.
Other Resources
- Black Craftspeople https://blackcraftspeople.org/
- Black in Historic Preservation https://www.blackinhistpres.com/home
- The Regional Black Contractors Association https://blackcontractors.org/community-involvement/
- Henry Boyd’s Freedom Bed, a children’s book written and illustrated by Whitney L.B. Miller about the story of Henry Boyd, an enslaved Kentucky man who purchased his freedom and become an innovative furniture maker in Cincinnati, OH in the19th Century https://lostartpress.com/collections/books/products/henry-boyd-s-freedom-bed