
The Campaign is in the process of registering apprenticeships in the historic building trades. They are being reviewed by the Department of Labor.


Apprenticeships are the traditional way to learn skilled trades. For millennia, new workers have learned skills under the tutelage and guidance of a master craftsperson in a structured, one-on-one, project based setting.

In the United States, apprenticeships are registered through the Department of Labor and regulated by the Office of Apprenticeship. Apprenticeships are designed for existing jobs, creating systematic training structures, standards, and pathways into the career field. An apprenticeship Sponsor is an organization that partners with the Office of Apprenticeship to provide communities with quality pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship opportunities. The sponsor submits apprenticeships for registration, manages these standards, and connects employers with apprentices. An employer is sometimes the apprenticeship sponsor, but not always.

An apprentice typically spends 4,000 – 8,000 hours (2 – 4 years) obtaining On-The-Job Learning (OTJ). This is a fundamental component for a skilled trades apprentice. The OTJ Learning expectations are laid out in a section called Work Processes. This describes what the apprentice should gain competency in, and how long it is anticipated to take.

The OTJ requirements are coupled with Related Instruction (RI), with a minimum of 144 hours of instruction per 2,000 hours OTJ. The relevant instruction is also laid out with learning goals and expected hours for each goal.

For Prospective Apprentices and Employer

Stay tuned! Apprenticeships are in progress. Until they are official, we maintain a list of those who are interested in the apprenticeships and connect with them once they are registered. If you are, please email with the subject line Apprenticeships and let us know!


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