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Traditional Coopering Class

John C. Campbell Folk School 1 Folk School Road, Brasstown

Subject: Woodworking Skill Level: All Levels Duration: September 22-28 Cost: $792 + $65 materials fee   Coopering is the ancient art of making wooden vessels such as barrels, butter churns, buckets, canteens, pitchers, piggins, etc. using only wood for staves and wood white oak bands with no nails or glue. Learn how to use the […]


Blacksmithing Workshop: Forging Your First Blade

Peters Valley School of Craft 19 Kuhn Road, Layton

This class is designed for first timers in the blacksmith shop who have an interest in knifemaking. We will focus on basic forging techniques and how they are applied to bladesmithing. The knives we make will be simple camping style blades with an emphasis on forging not fine finish work. Due to the short nature […]
