Historic brick masonry buildings are relatively simple construction systems, but their preservation
requires a sound understanding of stone, brick, and mortars; their weathering; and how they function
together as a system. Students attending Brick Masonry Preservation and Repair will learn about
these concepts and pair them with hands-on practice completing simple masonry repairs that involve
matching and mixing mortars, repointing mortar joints, and stabilizing courses. In addition to learning
about basic conservation science for masonry materials, students will also discuss and experiment with
conducting conditions surveys, diagnosing root causes of deterioration, and determining treatment
options in keeping with NPS preservation standards.
Scott Jones Exhibit Specialist, Historic Preservation Training Center
Mike Weibush Exhibit Specialist, Historic Preservation Training Center
$750 General participant
$50 Student (at least half-time in an accredited institution)
Click here for more information and registration!
This posting will expire September 8, 2025.