A basic carpentry class that breaks down the barriers keeping women from being comfortable with tools. Leave the class feeling confident and ready to tackle household projects on your own!
During this four-day course, we’ll cover basic carpentry for women through lectures, demonstrations, and lots of hands-on practice.
This wealth of information will be specifically tailored for female bodies and abilities. There will be ample time to dialogue with instructors and get clear about the subject matter. We firmly believe that there are no “dumb questions.”
Our theme on day one of the basic carpentry classes is women’s empowerment. To begin, we’ll have an orientation and overview of the class. Then we’ll move into the bulk of the day: tools and how to make accurate measurements! We’ll cover tool choices, their ergonomic use, and safety. Each tool will be introduced and demonstrated in detail, then you’ll get a chance to try it yourself (with plenty of guidance and support).
When we cover the more intimidating power tools—specifically the power saws—the class will break up into three groups, so each person can get personalized attention.
Single Class: $850-$1700*
Package (Includes Basic and Advanced Women’s Carpentry): $1600-$3200*
*Please pay what you can within this range. The median price helps cover the class costs. Choose the low end if you’re low income, or the maximum fee if your household earns over $115,000/year. Place yourself within this range based on your income.
Learn more about this class and join here!