Submit an Opportunity

Help us build our opportunity map and calendar. Submit an opportunity for us to review and post. We require that event submissions be accurate in cost and paid opportunities list compensation. We review and post submissions every Friday.

Please use the form below to submit an opportunity to engage with the historic trades through workshops, classes, internships, jobs, webinars, etc.

How To Fill Out This Form

Click the down arrows next to the titles below for directions on how to post an event or job opportunity. You can also visit our YouTube Channel for video submission tutorials!

Event Title

Postings are submitted as “events,” therefore “event title” should be the name of the event/workshop or job title.

Event Description

Detail the essential information about the event or use for the position description.

Event Time & Date

Enter the start and end time of the event corresponding with your time zone. 

For job postings, this should be the application deadline. All Positions will be shown until the “event” occurs. Please resubmit the listing if the deadline is extended past the original deadline.

Event Categories

You can select multiple pre-existing categories relative to your posting. For example, “employment,” “training,” “apprenticeships & internships,” and “conference” are popular. For guidelines on event categories, please reference our metrics on our Training and Education page.

Event Tags

Tags can help others find similar opportunities based on their skills and interests. Examples include “carpentry,” “masonry,” “windows,” and “blacksmith.”

Venue Details

The venue is where the event/job takes place. Search for the venue name and address to ensure they don’t already exist in the system. If you need to create a new one, include all requested information, including the website and physical address.

Organizer Details

The organizer is who prepares and/or presents the event/position. Please search for the organizer’s name to ensure they don’t already exist in the system. If you need to create a new one, include the organizer’s website and contact information.

Event Website

Enter a link to a page with additional information about the event. This can be a link to purchase tickets or register for the event. 

For a job posting, enter a link to the application. 

Salary/Wage Information

Add the yearly or hourly wage range for the position. Include the email address an applicant can reach out to regarding the position.

Submitter's Email Address

Add an email address The Campaign can reach out to regarding your submission. This email address will not be public.

Point of Contact Email Address

Add an email address that an applicant or attendee can reach out to regarding your opportunity. This email will be public.

Event Cost

Enter the ticket or registration price of the event. If it is a free event, enter 0. For job postings, leave this field blank.

There are many ways for individuals, businesses, organizations, and philanthropic groups to support The Campaign. Find out how.