by Andrea Barber | Dec 27, 2024
Class runs: December 17-19 Tuition: $450 Material fee: $40 Skill level: Beginner and up Treat yourself to this shortened Holiday variation! The goal of this abbreviated beginners course is to enlighten the student with the tools and techniques that are employed by the...
by Andrea Barber | Dec 27, 2024
Course runs: September 16-19 Tuition: $550 Material fee: $50 Skill level: Seasoned Beginner and up, ideally having had Beginner and Level 2 OR Equivalent! This course is designed for someone who has completed both a beginner level course as well as the Blacksmithing...
by Andrea Barber | Dec 27, 2024
Class runs: August 5-8 Tuition: $550 Material fee: $50 Skill level: Beginner and up The goal of this class is familiarize the student with the tools and techniques that are employed by the blacksmith. We will start with a tour of the shop and discuss the...
by Andrea Barber | Dec 27, 2024
Class runs: July 22-25 Tuition: $550 Material Fee: $50 Skill Level: Seasoned beginner and up or previous NESM beginners course This course is designed for someone who has completed a beginner level course and ready to continue in the blacksmith’s craft. The...
by Andrea Barber | Dec 27, 2024
“Lighting the Fire” with Lucas Damen Class runs: June 10-13 Tuition: $600 Material fee: $50 Skill level: Beginner and up In this four day class we will be covering all the basics for the beginner blacksmith. From tool introductions and ergonomics to hands...