Blacksmithing I (March)

Tillers International 10515 E. OP Ave, Scotts, MI, United States

This fast-paced introduction to smithing moves you through the fundamentals: basic hammer skills, heat treating, forge welding, and identification of “found” steels. By the end of the second day students will be turned loose to make interesting forged pieces with the support and collaboration of a blacksmith with 30 years of experience. Safety, tools, techniques, […]


Women’s Blacksmithing I (March)

Tillers International 10515 E. OP Ave, Scotts, MI, United States

Women’s Blacksmithing follows the same skill building principles as Blacksmithing I but is designated for women students only. This introductory two-day class moves students through the fundamentals of blacksmithing: basic […]


Blacksmithing I (April)

Tillers International 10515 E. OP Ave, Scotts, MI, United States

This fast-paced introduction to smithing moves you through the fundamentals: basic hammer skills, heat treating, forge welding, and identification of “found” steels. By the end of the second day students […]


Timber Framing & Raising Class (May)

Tillers International 10515 E. OP Ave, Scotts, MI, United States

This six-day class is taught by an experienced timber-framer & builder, Chris Newman, and by a structural engineer with decades of experience, Tom Nehil. Both are members of the Timber Framers Guild. Students can expect to begin hands-on learning within a few hours of the first day of class. Tom will discuss design elements and […]


Coppersmithing Class

Tillers International 10515 E. OP Ave, Scotts, MI, United States

This is a beginners class for those who are interested in learning the basic skills to manipulate copper. Students begin by learning to deburr, clean and anneal copper. Basic hammer control introduces texturing. Design layout and chasing will add another skill level by introducing chisels and their unlimited uses. Students will also learn the technique […]


Blacksmithing II Class (August)

Tillers International 10515 E. OP Ave, Scotts, MI, United States

This two-day class builds on skills learned in Blacksmithing I. Students will work through several hands-on projects, improving their manual skills and expanding their techniques. Helpful coaching speeds the learning […]


Stone Masonry Class

Tillers International 10515 E. OP Ave, Scotts, MI, United States

In this five-day class, instructors will take you through the history and theory of stone construction, making of mortar, and shaping of fieldstone into building stone. Presentations will provide insight into geology and the characteristics of different stone types, the mechanics of splitting and dressing stone, and the evolution of mortar systems from ancient to […]


Timber Framing and Raising Class

Tillers International 10515 E. OP Ave, Scotts, MI, United States

This six-day class is taught by an experienced timber-framer & builder, Chris Newman, and by a structural engineer with decades of experience, Tom Nehil. Both are members of the Timber Framers Guild. Students can expect to begin hands-on learning within a few hours of the first day of class. Tom will discuss design elements and […]


Stone Masonry Class

Tillers International 10515 E. OP Ave, Scotts, MI, United States

In this five-day class, instructors will take you through the history and theory of stone construction, making of mortar, and shaping of fieldstone into building stone. Presentations will provide insight into geology and the characteristics of different stone types, the mechanics of splitting and dressing stone, and the evolution of mortar systems from ancient to […]


Parent and Teen Blacksmithing Class

Tillers International 10515 E. OP Ave, Scotts, MI, United States

Many teens see blacksmithing in movies, video games, and online and become curious about this timeless trade. Tillers offers a two-day blacksmithing class specifically for young people ages 12 to […]


Blacksmithing II Class (November)

Tillers International 10515 E. OP Ave, Scotts, MI, United States

This two-day class builds on skills learned in Blacksmithing I. Students will work through several hands-on projects, improving their manual skills and expanding their techniques. Helpful coaching speeds the learning […]


Blacksmithing III Class

Tillers International 10515 E. OP Ave, Scotts, MI, United States

Designed for students who have taken Blacksmithing I & II, this two-day class teaches new skills such as forge brazing and ornate punch & chisel work. Supervised time in the […]
