Historic Preservation Internship

Position Objective: The Preservation Department of Stratford Hall is seeking a qualified intern to participate in its Preservation Internship program. The intern will assist in the daily operations of the Preservation Department and will report to the Director of...
Abara House Adobe Workshop

Abara House Adobe Workshop

Don’t miss this unique, two-day adobe workshop on Tuesday, June 4th & Wednesday, June 5th, 2024 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm! The workshop will be held at Abara House (1720 West Paisano Drive), the mid 19th century adobe home of Simeon Hart, which had more recently...

Blacksmithing Workshop: Forging Your First Blade

This class is designed for first timers in the blacksmith shop who have an interest in knifemaking. We will focus on basic forging techniques and how they are applied to bladesmithing. The knives we make will be simple camping style blades with an emphasis on forging...

Demystifying Wood Finishing Workshop

Finishing is an incredibly important part of woodworking–one that can make or break your project after hours and hours of work! Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about the finishing process, and very few woodworkers are ever taught the actual science of...

Woodworking Workshop: Carving Wood Utensils

Come immerse yourself in the satisfying art of shaping wood utensils. This is a great introduction to carving with hand tools as well as designing in three dimensions. You will learn to shave wood using a variety of sharp edge tools including carving knives, gouges,...