Window Sash Replication and Restoration Workshop

  Students will learn to restore early 19th C. wood window sashes with hand tools. Students will build a small 4-lite sash in order to fully understand the construction details of sashes. The workshop will move into repairing wood sashes and window frames,...
Restoring Wood Windows Workshop

Restoring Wood Windows Workshop

One of preservationists’ most common cries is to ‘Save Wood Windows!’ Understanding how to implement vital maintenance and repair of wood windows conserves their functionality and helps preserve a building’s historic character. Join AARCH at Croghan’s Adirondack...

Window Preservation Alliance Annual Meeting

How does sunny Florida in February sound? Our Annual Meeting sessions will cover business issues as well as topics on the craft of window restoration. For the first time, a key component of the meeting will be building replica wood windows. Full schedule and other...

Craftwork Training Center Workshop:

Restoring Historic Wood Windows 2 Days – 8:00am to 3:00pm As one of the few parts of a facade serving as both an interior and exterior feature, windows are nearly always an important part of the vintage character of a building. In most structures, windows also...